Dear mind and heart we don’t need to remember this day anymore,

Dear mind and heart:

We don’t need to remember December 10th anymore. You see Kyle has been gone for 3 years. He isn’t our husband anymore.

I know you may get confused by the fact that he still writes us on FB from time to time and has yet to give us divorce papers.

That is understandable however, I assure you that he is gone for good. He has a baby momma with two kids and he lives in TX.

I know that you will always love him in some form because he was our first and our husband and that is fine.

However you’re continued insistence on remembering this day and making me dread not only the anniversary it’s self but also the days leading up to it is making me miserable and making you dear heart hurt deeply all over again.

Please do us all a favor and forget this day.

– Always yours

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