Today is world CP awareness day (10/7/15)

Dear reader today is world CP, Cerebral Palsy Awareness day 2015. I personally have Spastic quadriplegia(in plain English it means that it effects all 4 limbs) Cerebral Palsy.

I was 2.2 pounds at birth and 3 months too early which caused a vein in the back of my brain to burst when the Dr cut the umbilical cord and the leftover blood inside of it rush to my head (the Dr know how to stop that from happening now but not in 1986 when I was born).

Which caused the brain injury that caused my CP.

I am still a fighter and CP will never define me as a person.

If you can dear reader please consider wearing something green to show your support for the cause.

Thank you dear reader for staying with me on this journey and for showing me with your likes, views, follows, and comments that my voice matters.

If you want to know more about me check my about me page or the “Me” tab of my blog.

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